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Inside Man : is a 2006 American crime thriller film directed by Spike Lee, and written by Russell Gewirtz. The film centers on an elaborate bank heist in Manhattan, New York during a 24-hour period. It stars Denzel Washington as Detective Keith Frazier, the NYPD's hostage negotiator; Clive Owen as Dalton Russell, the mastermind who orchestrates the heist; and Jodie Foster as Madeleine White, a Manhattan power broker who is hired to act as a "fixer" in response to the heist; Christopher Plummer, Willem Dafoe and Chiwetel Ejiofor are also featured.
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Directed by : Spike Lee
Produced by : Brian Grazer
Written by : Russell Gewirtz
Starring : Denzel Washington,Clive Owen,Jodie Foster,Christopher Plummer,Willem Dafoe
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Music by : Terence Blanchard,Cinematography Matthew Libatique
Edited by : Barry Alexander Brown
Production company : Imagine Entertainment,40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks (uncredited)
Distributed by : Universal Pictures
Release dates : March 20, 2006 (New York)March 24, 2006 (North America)
Running time : 129 minutes
Language : English
Read Inside Man Full Story :
Inside Man : A man named Dalton Russell sits in an unidentified cell and narrates a story of how he has committed the perfect robbery. In New York, masked robbers, dressed as painters and using variants of the name "Steve" as aliases, seize control of a Manhattan bank and take the patrons and employees hostage. They divide the hostages into groups and hold them in different rooms, forcing them to don painters clothes identical to their own. The robbers rotate the hostages among various rooms and occasionally insert themselves covertly into the groups. They also take turns working on an unspecified project involving demolishing the floor in one of the bank's storage rooms.Police surround the bank and Detectives Keith Frazier Denzel Washington and Bill Mitchell Chiwetel Ejiofor take charge of the negotiations. Russell, the leader of the robbers, demands food and the police supply them with pizzas whose boxes include listening devices. The bugs pick up a language which the police identify as Albanian. They discover, however, that the conversations are in fact propaganda recordings of deceased Albanian communist dictator Enver Hoxha, implying that the robbers anticipated the attempted surveillance.