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This Is the End : is a 2013 American disaster comedy film written and directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg in their directorial debut, starring an ensemble cast including Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera and Emma Watson. They play versions of themselves which are to varying degrees fictional, in the aftermath of a global apocalypse. The film was released on June 12, 2013, and was a critical and commercial success. Due to the success of the film, Columbia Pictures had the film re-released on September
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Directed by : Seth Rogen,Evan Goldberg
Produced by : Seth Rogen,Evan Goldberg,James Weaver
Screenplay by : Seth Rogen,Evan Goldberg,Based on Jay and Seth versus the Apocalypse by Jason Stone
Starring : James Franco,Jonah Hill,Seth Rogen,Jay Baruchel,Danny McBride,Craig Robinson,Michael Cera,Emma Watson
Music by : Henry Jackman,Cinematography Brandon Trost
Edited by : Zene Baker
Production company : Mandate Pictures,Point Grey Pictures
Distributed by : Columbia Pictures
Release dates : June 3, 2013 (Fox Village Theater)June 12, 2013 (United States)
Running time : 106 minutes
Country : United States
Language : English
Read This Is the End Full Story:
This Is the End : Jay Baruchel arrives in Los Angeles to visit with old friend and fellow actor Seth Rogen, who invites Baruchel to attend a housewarming party hosted by James Franco. At the raucous party, many celebrities and others drink, take drugs, have sex, and commit other immoral acts. Baruchel is uncomfortable being around many people he does not know well including Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Michael Cera, Craig Robinson, and Emma Watson and Rogen accompanies him to a convenience store for cigarettes.Beams of blue light from the sky suddenly carry away several store customers. The frightened Rogen and Baruchel flee to Franco's home amid explosions, vehicular crashes and mass chaos, but find the party undisturbed by the blue beams. The partygoers scoff at Baruchel's account, but rush outside because of a powerful earthquake and see the Hollywood Hills on fire. A large crack opens in the earth, and Cera, Mintz-Plasse, Rihanna, Mindy Kaling, Aziz Ansari, Kevin Hart, Martin Starr, Jason Segel and David Krumholtz are among those killed.